Doet de naam Chelsey Weimar je een belletje rinkelen? Nee? Dan zal ik je kort vertellen wie deze stunning beauty is. Chelsey werd in 2012 de winnares van de realityshow The Face. In dit programma strijden zowel mannen als vrouwen om de begeerde titel The Face.  Met haar eerste plaats kreeg ze buiten de titel ook een contract bij modellenbureau Future Faces Model Management  en mocht ze het gezicht zijn van een campagne van L’Oréal Paris. En dit alles terwijl ze amper 15 jaar was! Wauw.

ENGLISH Does the name Chelsey Weimar ring a bell? No? Then I will briefly tell you who this stunning beauty is. In 2012, Chelsey was the winner of the reality show The Face. In this program, both men and women compete for the coveted tile The Face. Besides the title, she also won a modeling contract with Future Faces Management and she was the face of a campaign for L'oreal Paris. And all this while she was only 15 years old! Wow.

Ondertussen heeft het model al verschillende modeshows gelopen en kan je haar regelmatig spotten in tijdschriften zoals Cosmogirl.  Maar buiten in de modellenwereld, is Chelsey ook actief op instagram. Zo plaatst ze regelmatig kiekjes van zichzelf, met haar vriendinnen of samen met haar handsome boyfriend Rody Pot (wie ook model is!). Je kan haar hier volgen. 

Ik vind haar zoooo ontzettend mooi met haar lange bruine lokken en helderblauwe ogen. Af en toe vind ik dat ze zelfs iets weg heeft van topmodel Doutzen Kroes! Ze is momenteel hard aan timmeren aan haar weg naar de top en wat mij betreft zal ze daar zeker in slagen met haar unieke uitstraling. Kende jij Chelsey Weimar al? En wat vind je van haar?

ENGLISH Meanwhile, the model has walked several fashion shows and you can spot her in magazines such as CosmoGirl. But besides modeling, Chelsey is also active on instagram. She regularly posts pics of herself, friends and her handsome boryfriend Rody Pot (who's also a model!). You can follow her here.

I find her soooo beautiful with her long brown hair en her bright blue eyes. Sometimes she even reminds me of top model Doutzen Kroes! Currently, she's working hard on her way to the top and if you ask me, she and her unique appearance will definitely! Did you already know Chelsey Weimar? And what do you think of her?


In the beginning of July (I know, it's been a while!), me and my high school friends went to Malta for a week. It was really nice to have some quality time with them, because since last year, we all study in different cities. We all had the same idea of our vacation, so that was great. We wanted to go to a sunny place where we could chill on the beach during the day and where we could party at night, but we also wanted to do some sightseeing and experience the country. So Malta was the perfect destination for us! The weather was really nice and also a big plus is that the nightlife in Malta is so cheap and so much fun. But besides getting our tan on and party, we also did a whole bunch of other stuff.

Malta is a small country, so we were able to see a pretty big part of it. Here are some of the highlights of our vacation.

1. The Blue Lagoon (Gozo & Comino)
We made a day trip to the Blue Lagoon. As the name itself says, the water over here is incredibly blue. It is sooo pretty! I can really say that this is a must-see when you are in Malta. ;-)

2. Boat partyWhen you're in Malta, you will definitely see some posters or people promoting a boat trip. There are several boat parties, but we decided to go on the one that made a stop in Gozo. It's more expensive than a normal night out, but totally worth the money! It was a such an amazing experience and I really recommend to do a boat party if you ever get the chance!

3. Valletta
Valletta is the capital of Malta, so ofcourse we had to see it. As opposed to what you might think, the city is not that big and there were no big shops, like Zara for example. (So if you want to go on a shopping spree, you can better go somewhere else ;-) ) However, Valletta is a beautiful place and really worth a visit.

4. Paceville
Paceville is the place to be if you want to party. It's situated in St. Julians and it has many bars and discotheques where you can party all night long. As i have mentioned before, the drinks are very cheap and there's always a lot to do. Wild night guaranteed ;-)

Altogether, it was an amazing experience and I can really recommend it if you're looking for a beach and booze vacation with your friends, but you also want to do other things and see the country. My friends and me definitely had a blast!


You can't have missed the army trend. Everywhere you go, there are military prints all over the place and i'm loving it! So a camouflage printed jacket is definitely on my wishlisht, but i haven't been able to find the right one that fits perfectly. Do you have/want some military items in your closet? Or are you going to skip this trend?


CRAVING OF THE MONTH! No wait, actually, craving of my life. I've always wanted to have a Michael Kors watch, but somehow i still haven't got one. When i see these watches in a shop window, i just have to stop and take a look even though i've seen them a million times. But it's soon to be my birthday, so maybe one of these beauties will be mine in the future? Anyways, here you have a huge photobomb of inspiration and cravings!


Do you already know the photo a day challenge? It's created by Chantelle from fatmumslim. The photo above speaks for itself. Each day you have to take a picture of the subject that's written next to the date. It's time to get creative, fellas! Enjoy!